Unlimited Free Backup of your Photos?!?!
It's that age old problem, your phone is telling you you have run out of space, and you can't take that next picture, install that new app or see your latest emails! What do you do? Well normally we start deleting things, usually photos from our camera roll or apps...
Are your documents safe from hardware failure?
I've been in the computer servicing business for 18 years and I am regularly fixing, repairing or recovering other peoples computers to get them back up and running again. However last month I found out, much to my relief, how much good planning can ease the pain of...
Windows 10 – 2018 Update known to delete some users files
Early this month, Microsoft released the latest update for Windows 10 in 2018, and some early adopters are reporting serious issues, so serious in fact that they have lost documents, photos, and other important files. Luckily for most of us whilst the update had been...
Dial a Geek – Presenting at the Peel CCI -Murray Business Support Group
As a business based in the Shire of Murray region, Dial a Geek will be attending the B2B Networking and Promotion event taking place as above. This will give us the opportunity to highlight some of the areas that small businesses frequently suffer in regards to there...