Computer Repairs Mandurah, Baldivis, Rockingham

our support rates are from only $75* per half hour

As a business based in the Shire of Murray region, Dial a Geek will be attending the B2B Networking and Promotion event taking place as above. This will give us the opportunity to highlight some of the areas that small businesses frequently suffer in regards to there IT and Communication needs and more importantly who they can turn to for help.

The changing face of I.T. means that whilst we can now easily and cost-effectively do things today that would have cost 10’s of thousands just a few years back, but the new technological landscape is not without its problems. Computers and computer hard drives still fail regularly, we are all at risk of malware and ransomware which at best slow us down and disrupt our businesses and at worst corrupt or steal our important files and important data.

It is therefore never more crucial than now to ensure that we have systems and procedures in place to protect us from these attacks or failures and if we do end up on the wrong end of these attacks that we at least are able to get back up and running without loss of data, quickly and relatively pain free.

At Dial a Geek we offer a mobile computer repair service where we come to you, same day if you require it, and help you get back working again. More importantly, we can help you plan your setup and build in redundancy, protection, and backup procedures so that the chances of a future problem in your business is very slim.


Date:  Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Time: 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Location: Dwellingup Hotel, Newton Street Dwellingup